The visual strength of the body work brings verisimilitude to a dreamlike world, where choreography and gestures are on a narrative level with the well-ordered words, until rhythm and movement convey the desires and emotions of a lost mind.
Heraldo, Aragón
Javier Lopez Clemente
The experimental psychologist Endel Turving proposed two types of memory in 1972. Episodic memory allows us to remember the what, when and where of a specific experience. Autobiographical... -
The fabulous acting work of Diego Lorca and Paco Merino, who create a powerful dramaturgy as powerful as the physical effort that endows BÚHO with a masterly compactness and a rhythm where the actions move cadenced, as if floating across the stage turned into a cave.
Diario de Cádiz
Angel Mendoza
Hands up anyone who does not have someone close to them who has not suddenly or gradually lost their memory in a cruel and irreversible way: agonisingly painful, in any case, at whatever rate.... -
The magnificent actors did not their only interpretation, they also draw and they take us to the poetry and the mystery that wraps up.
Alfonso Becerra
The day ended with Titzina's “BÚHO”, at the Pazo da Cultura. A theatrical piece with a narrative that mixes cinematographic language procedures with others of the Chinese shadow theater, objects... -
Channelling reality and fiction
Fernando Sorolla
The Villarroel once again plays host to Titzina, the company formed by Diego Lorca and Pako Merino, and together we visit The Pit. This show maintains strong social commitment and in line with... -
La Zanja: colonialism yesterday and today
El periódico
José Carlos Sorribes
The Titzina company returns to the Villarroel with another example of its thought-provoking social theatre. La Zanja builds a bridge between the past and the present against a backdrop of the... -
Touring like crazy
El Pais
Marcos Ordóñez
La Zanja is the latest play by Pako Merino and Diego Lorca with the Titzina company, who return to the Villarroel with another example of thought-provoking social theatre. La Zanja builds a... -
Essay on historical memory
Oriol Osan
Pako Merino and Diego Lorca are back in Barcelona again to present La Zanja, their long-awaited latest work. It is a tragicomedy paying tribute to our ancestors about the way the cycle of life... -
A story worth hearing
Iolanda G. Madariaga
Blown away once again by Titzina. Blown away by how they can say so much with so little. You need to see La Zanja to find out once again that there’s room for everything in that box we call a... -
The eternal drama of an encounter between two worlds
El Pais
Toni Polo Bettonica
La Zanja, Titzina Teatro’s fifth production, submerges us in the tragic magical realism of the conquest of the Americas, both 500 years ago and today. -
The same today as yesterday
Santi Fondevila
The relationship between Francisco Pizarro’s conquest and exploitation by multinationals in the lands of indigenous peoples in South America may seem a distant one, but it has a common element... -
Searching for gold
Heraldo de Aragón
Joaquin Melguizo
According to Titzina, “History is the inheritance of the action of one man against another and its consequences for the group.” This is the theme of La Zanja. History. How we inherit the actions... -
Atahualpa and gold
Diario de Mallorca
Rafa Gallego
U dialectic duel between ancestral philosophy and market logic. A Spanish manager – one of those negotiators without too many scruples – from a mining multinational battling for gold and to win... -
Conjunction of the stars
Diario de Cádiz
A play strongly recommended for lovers of stage writing, as the thread of the story fully absorbs you from beginning to end. Full of laughter and tears for an hour and a half (which passes... -
The expressive force of theatre
Heraldo de Aragón
Joaquín Melguizo
How do we find happiness? What circumstances can end up imposing unhappiness instead? How do we reach the conclusion that we’re not needed? These are some of the questions that assail us while... -
Simple doesn’t mean easy
El País
Toni Polo
It turns out that this creative play shows, in itself, that simple works and that “simple doesn’t mean easy”. There is no doubting the hard work there is behind each Titzina play -
Tremendous Titzina
El Diario Vasco
Roberto Herrero
Excited as I was about going to see Titzina’s latest show, there was a fear of disappointment, as it is hard to maintain standards when you have achieved such high quality with your three... -
Pure theatre. Better late...
El País
Marcos Ordoñez
Diego Lorca and Pako Merino (or Titzina Teatro as they are otherwise known) have triumphed all over Spain with Exitus, a tragicomedy about death which is a hymn to life: talent and humour... -
Exquisitely comic
La Vanguardia
Joan Anton Benach
This demonstrates the quality of the actors as sharp script writers, responsible for original rhyming texts that exude elegance and good taste. -
The custom of dying
Juan Ignacio García Garzón
Diego and Pako, authors, directors and performers formed at the Jacques Lecoq school, do a perfectly calculated and entertaining job with great lightness of touch and elegance of form. All the... -
Dying to live
El Pais
Javier Vallejo
EExitus, a laboriously constructed impressionist satire combining a light touch with a cutting edge. It taps into an ancestral way of looking at death as being perfectly symmetrical with life,... -
Unrecognisable mirrors
El Diario Vasco
Roberto Herreros
Titzina’s plays have a personal stamp that makes them stand out. The company’s own style – a complicated blend of drama, humour, poetry and simplicity – runs through their work. In Exitus, the... -
Questions from the gut
El Mundo
Maria Martínez
The company deal with a tragic issue with sympathy and humour. Much of the piece consists of entertaining sketches making the spectators laugh right from the beginning of the performance. The... -
Being forgotten
Heraldo de Aragón
Joaquin Melguizo
The staging develops a highly dynamic treatment of the text, providing the show with good rhythm and setting up the many transitions in three scenes in an intelligent, flexible way. The... -
The call for historical memory comes to Tàrrega
La Vanguardia
Perhaps the best show at the Tàrrega Fair because of its commitment to our society and splendid dramatic structure and because of the work of the performers. Titzina know what they want to say... -
Memories of the war
El Periódico
Antonio José Navarro
Titzina take their creative work very seriously: the difficult thing about good theatre is not saying something, it’s saying exactly what you want to say. That doesn’t mean having just any... -
Thresholds of reason
El Norte de Castilla
J.A.Gómez Municio
They bring a radically contemporary vocabulary to the stage, touching humour and drama in equal measure without ever falling for the obvious or the cryptic -
Going like crazy
Diari de Mallorca
Merino and Lorca, who each take on different roles, manage to make the madmen they play perfectly credible and funny, without ridiculing them, with their capacity for nuanced characterisation... -
Humour and tenderness
El Correo
Mikel Bilbao
The technical perfection of the show deserves praise: the selection and use of music, lighting and the work of the actors. Nothing is obvious in this piece: everything relies on suggestion – a... -
Talking theatrical genres
How have they done it? What was the starting point? Was a script actually written in advance as part of the process or has the material been created day by day, in rehearsals? Whatever the... -
A great duo
La Vanguardia
Joan Antoni Benach
Playing with objects to explain changes in the action and the pressure of current events provides a wonderful lesson in imagination and flexibility on stage. Highly recommended.